Pagkaing Pinoy

The first Filipino food came from the Malays twenty thousand years ago. From them came the Filipinos' passion for spicy and honeyed food. From the Chinese, on the other hand, came the Filipinos' diet of noodles and the passion for food with sauce and gravy. The Spaniards, on the other hand, taught fried foods using various spices. And because of this, it gave rise to what is now called traditional Filipino food.

We all KNOW how important food is for Filipinos. Different traditions, cultures, and customs bring to life and enjoy the foods that have been learned since childhood.

Every country has its own display of appreciation and culture in food. Likewise, we Filipinos, we have our own practices or habits that really make us smile every time we talk about food.

Here are some of the passions or habits of us Filipinos that will not be changed or lost in our lives:


PAGKAING PINOYIka nga nila, “it’s never a meal without rice” sa ating mga Pinoy. Our staple food is rice as an agricultural country. Let’s face it, when there is no rice, our day is lacking. Even if we eat a lot but no rice, we do not get full. That is why many Filipinos do not live without rice in their throats and stomachs for a day.

Our Filipinos' love for rice cannot be denied.

We have it with us for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We also have various ways to keep leftover rice from being wasted, the most popular — fried rice.


SAUCE Of course, the sauce will not disappear from our table, no matter what dish is prepared. Every dish tastes better if it is accompanied by a sauce. And just like rice, it is also a sauce that cannot be lost in the Filipino kitchen. It also works to eat with sauce.

One of the most popular Filipino sauces is toyomansi which is a mixture of soy sauce and lime. Or different types of vinegar mixed with other spices. There is also fish sauce and anchovies.


Breakfast, lunch and dinner are not enough for Filipinos. There are also in between snacks or snacks!

Where are you? Filipinos really love snacks. Snacks are usually the stars when it's snack time. #PalagingGutom


Because we have respect for the blessings we receive, we don't just pray before eating. One of the teachings to us from an early age is never to wait for food. Grace may abound, many are hungry today, just be thankful and have more to offer.

Aside from praying and not waiting for grace, Filipinos are also accustomed to eating at the same time. The dish tastes better, even if it's simple when each family is at the table together.

So when Mother called, she approached immediately.


NAKAKAMAY We are not deprived of cutlery, it's just that it's really tastier for us especially when the dish is fish and the food in the hand is fish. We also enjoy food more.

The best is the hand especially in our favorite boodle fight whenever the family has a party, barricades or works together.


If we go back in history, we know that we have been occupied by different countries. That is why we have foods derived or inspired by those who occupied the country.

Shanghai noodles and dumplings from the Chinese, our favorite mixed dessert inspired by the Japanese, and much more.

One with a vibrant food culture that can be considered our country. We have habits of manners, eating, partnering foods that are new and unique to foreigners. Every country has its own identity, but we Filipinos have a unique and unique taste.

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